I have seen the lasting debilitating effects of head trauma, all trauma actually, particularly increasing the experience of emotional dysregulation that would manifest as anxiety, depression, dissociation and dementia. The research reported in the study below is yet another pointer to the unavoidable reality of how injury to the body, especially the brain, alters cognitive and emotional responsiveness. We also know that neurofeedback and photobiomodulation (light therapy) can positively modify abnormal brain activity.
Check out this Hackspirit article about breathing, nothing is really more important than getting yourself back to normal respiration. This includes not only the rate or breaths/minute but also the pattern, ie., through your nose and not your mouth, maintaining 6 breaths a minute and getting your entire body involved so you can fully relax into your breath as source of emotional and physical nourishment.
My approach to counseling and therapy centers on how we breath and its effect on our mental, emotional and energetic state. hackspirit.com/science-says-way-breathe-impacts-cognitive-function/?utm_content=bufferf55b3&utm_medium=share&utm_source=mindfulive&utm_campaign=twitter This paper makes the point that near infrared light therapy applied across the skull surface has produced significant improvements in both physical and cognitive functioning. Quietmind is now preparing several clinical trials for people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Dr. BermanRelevant research and clinical insights from our work. Archives
October 2021